2024 Board Of Director Elections

Application Deadline is August 19, 2024

Applying for a position on the CCA Board of Directors is an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in your profession, enhance your leadership skills, and build a network of like-minded professionals.

It is a chance to be at the forefront of chiropractic advocacy, shaping the future of chiropractic in Colorado. If you are passionate about chiropractic care and supporting doctors across the state, are interested in being part of the leadership for our winning team,  consider applying for a position on the board!

Leadership and Influence

  • As a board member, you will have a direct impact on the strategic direction and policies of the CCA. You can influence decisions that will shape the future of chiropractic care in Colorado.
  • Be a voice for the chiropractic community, advocating for issues that affect practitioners and patients alike at the state and national levels.

Professional Development

  • Serving on a board helps you develop leadership, strategic planning, and governance skills. These are valuable in both professional and personal contexts.
  • Connect with other leaders in the chiropractic field, forging strong professional relationships that can lead to new opportunities and collaborations.

Community and Contribution

  • Give back, and contribute to the advancement of your profession by helping to support initiatives that improve patient care and public health.
  • Provide guidance and mentorship to newer members of the association and new DCs in Colorado, helping to nurture the next generation of chiropractors.

Recognition and Reputation

  • Being elected to the board is a mark of distinction and can enhance your reputation within the chiropractic community.
  • Increase your visibility and credibility among peers and patients, potentially attracting more opportunities for your practice.

Learning and Growth

  • Be at the forefront of industry developments, gaining insights into regulatory changes, emerging trends, and best practices.
  • Engage in continuous learning and improvement, benefiting not only your own practice but also contributing to the broader chiropractic community.

Networking and Collaboration

  • Work closely with other board members, industry leaders, and stakeholders, expanding your professional network.
  • Participate in and lead initiatives that promote collaboration and address challenges in the profession.

Personal Fulfillment

  • Gain a sense of personal fulfillment from contributing to the greater good of the chiropractic profession, strengthening the association, and seeing the tangible results of your efforts.
  • Leave a lasting legacy by being part of initiatives and decisions that have long-term positive impacts on the profession.
2024 Board of Directors Group Photo

Seats Up For Election

Each year, certain districts and positions are up for election. This year applications are being accepted for:
  • District 1
  • District 3
  • District 4
  • District 7
  • Director-At-Large
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer 
Find Your District

Click here to find your district by zip code

Click here to see a district map

  • Make a serious commitment to participate actively in the work of the CCA
  • Stay informed about CCA matters, reads, and responds to CCA emails and communications, is prepared for meetings, and reviews and comments on minutes and reports.
  • Builds a collegial working relationship with other CCA member, board members and committee members.
  • Attends and participates in the annual board retreat and planning efforts.
  • Participates in the advancement of the strategic plan of the including member and sponsor recruitment and engagement.
  • Support the CCA staff in planning and executing district membership meetings and events as needed.
  • Attend board of director meetings. Meetings are generally the 3rd Friday of every other month, from 12:00 – 2:00 PM. Meetings are held at the CCA office and it is preferred that directors attend in-person, however, zoom is an option for those outside of the Denver Metro area.
  • Attend the annual convention, and in-person events/classes, if possible. This is the best way for board members to engage with the membership, gather feedback, develop relationships, and strengthen the organization.
Director Qualifications and Election Process

Directors: Candidates for the office of Director must have been an active member in good standing for a period of at least the two years immediately prior to their election or appointment, and the payment of such Member’s dues must be current. No person shall be eligible to be elected or appointed or advance to any office as an Officer, Director or committee chair or committee member if the chiropractic licensure of such individual is currently under suspension, under revocation, or subject to a formal relinquishment order by any government agency including the board of chiropractic examiners in any state, or if such individual is currently in litigation that may be harmful to the CCA or has been convicted of a felony while a licensed chiropractor in any state; except that a suspension in licensure resulting from a lapsed license or the failure to renew a license in any state shall not constitute a bar to eligibility. No person may hold more than one position as an Officer or Director at any one time. Each District Director and Alternate District Director must live or practice in the district which he or she will represent at the time of their election and throughout their term in office. Re-election is permissible, except that no person may serve more than three full consecutive terms in any one position as District Director, Alternate District Director, Director at Large, or Alternate Director at Large. 5 of the total 10 offices for Directors will be up for election each year. Their terms will begin at the close of the Annual Business Meeting.

The election for District Directors shall be conducted electronically through the Association’s secured website.  Each eligible voting member shall have secured access provided by the Executive Office.  The Executive Director shall publish on the Association’s website a biographical description of each candidate.

The election for Director at Large shall be conducted by written ballot to take place at the Annual Business Meeting. The Executive Director shall publish on the Association’s website a biographical description of each candidate.

A candidate is considered elected by attaining a majority vote of the regular members who vote in the election. The candidate who receives the second most votes will assume the respective position as the Alternate. Each Director and Alternate Director shall hold office for a term of two years beginning at the close of the Annual Business Meeting of the CCA immediately following or at which they were elected, or until their successors are elected or appointed. Terms of office of the eight District Directors and two Director at Large positions and corresponding Alternate District Directors shall be arranged in such a way that one-half of the ten terms will begin at the close of each Annual Business Meeting of the CCA.

Officer Qualifications and Election Process

Officer Qualifications:  The Association believes that prior experience as a board member is essential to serve as an officer of the Association.  The position of President will not be elected but rather will ascend to that position from the position of President-Elect.  The President-Elect will ascend to that position from the position of Vice-President who is elected annually. Candidates for the office of Vice-President must have served at least one (1) previous year on the Board of Directors prior to the year they run.  Candidates for the positions of Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer must meet the following requirements prior to election:


The person is a member in good standing of the Association; and the person must have been a member of the Association a minimum of two (2) consecutive years immediately prior to the year they run; and The person must have previously served on the Board of Directors for one (1) year prior to the year they initially run.  A person previously qualified, but with service that was interrupted shall still be considered qualified to run.