A ban on the spinal manipulation of children under the age of two in Australia was reinstated in June by the Chiropractic Board of Australia. 

According to an article published on the Board’s website, “The Board first released an interim policy on the spinal manipulation of children under 12 years of age in 2019 while evidence about its safety and effectiveness could be gathered. After commissioning Cochrane Australia to provide an updated systematic review of the effectiveness and safety of spinal manipulation in children under 12, the Board published updated guidelines in-line with its findings in November 2023, allowing chiropractors to treat children according to current evidence and/or best-practice approaches. 

However, following a request by Australian Health Ministers, the Board has reinstated the policy to allow time for further consultation with Health Ministers.” 

CCA President, Dr. Mike Lynch, D.C., has written an open letter on behalf of the CCA Board of Directors expressing our opposition to this ban. You can read the letter here.