Dec 8, 2020 | CCA News, Members Only Section
We have recently been received many questions regarding students and if they can adjust in Colorado. The short answer is yes! Here is the longer answer. During the Chiropractic Sunset process, the CCA surveyed the profession in Colorado and the results were...
Dec 8, 2020 | COVID, Public Health Orders, Recently Updated
[Updated 12.08.2020] – For the last 3-weeks – the CCA has been fighting to change the language that was listed in the 2nd amended Public Health Order 20-36. Today we are happy to report that because of the CCA’s efforts, the language requiring a “medical,...
Nov 23, 2020 | Business and Practice Considerations, CCA News, Recently Updated
Please see announcement from the Colorado X-Ray Certification Unit below per 11.4.2020 e-mail: Radiation machines and facilities that were due for a certification evaluation, as per Section 2.5 of the Regulations, during the months of March, April, May and June of...
Nov 17, 2020 | COVID, Public Health Orders, Recently Updated
[Updated 11.17.2020] Recently, we learned that current language in Public Health Order 20-36 included that IF a county were to go into “Level Red – Stay at Home” – “limited healthcare settings” including chiropractic...
Oct 28, 2020 | COVID, Financial and Business Aid, Recently Updated
As the CCA reported earlier in 2020, HHS previously made grants available to chiropractors (and many other providers, hospitals, and systems) to the tune of $50 billion, in what was called a General Distribution. These distributions, which were covered extensively in...