Sep 13, 2021 | CCA News, COVID, Uncategorized
President Biden held a press conference last week outlining new COVID-19 vaccination mandates nationwide. This article provides our members with information concerning the announcement and subsequent federal agency press releases and coming actions. At this time, the...
Sep 7, 2021 | CCA News, COVID, Public Health Orders, Uncategorized
The CCA sent a letter to Mayor Hancock regarding the Association’s opposition to the vaccine mandate. Read the letter...
Aug 18, 2021 | Business and Practice Considerations, CCA News, COVID, Legislative Updates, Public Health Orders
I write to you, chiropractors of Colorado, today, as President of the Colorado Chiropractic Association (CCA,) in a time where our ability to practice has been challenged. We carry optimism that we will overcome. The CCA has been supporting Chiropractors for more than...
Aug 6, 2021 | CCA News, COVID, Public Health Orders, Recently Updated
The City and County of Denver announced a new public health order on Monday August 2nd that requires personnel in healthcare facilities to be fully vaccinated by September 30, 2021. If your office is within this jurisdiction it is included. The Colorado...
May 27, 2021 | CCA News, Uncategorized
After an extensive search for our new Executive Director, the Board of Directors is pleased to introduce Andrea LaRew. Andrea has more than 25 years of experience in non-profit, membership organizations. She spent a total of 17 years with the YMCA in Denver, Nebraska...