Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE)

Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE)
The Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE) is the regulating board for chiropractors in the state of Colorado. They have jurisdiction over rules and policies for practicing chiropractic. Legislative determinations such as statutes are set by the State. The Colorado Practice Act governs all doctors of chiropractic who are licensed by the state of Colorado. The Division of Professions and Occupations is housed within the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA).
Applications and Forms
Please remember, the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) handles all matters related to your specific license. Here is a quick link to the applications and forms on DORA’s website.
Healthcare Professional Profiling Program (HPPP)
The Healthcare Professions Profile Program (HPPP) is an online database to help consumers find a healthcare provider that meets their needs and expectations. HPPP helps consumers make informed healthcare decisions for themselves and their families. Consumers can find information about a healthcare provider such as disciplinary actions,restrictions or suspensions,criminal convictions,business interests,and malpractice insurance settlements, among other information useful to the public. The program includes profile information for more than 65 license types and more than 270,000 healthcare professionals.
Healthcare providers licensed and regulated by the State of Colorado, Division of Professions and Occupations, are required to report profile information. HPPP was created by the Michael Skolnik Medical Transparency Act of 2010 and its expansion legislation in subsequent years.
Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners Board Members
Yukon Morford, Program Director
Board of Chiropractic Examiners
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303-894-7800 | Fax: 303-894-0144 | Email:
- To view the current Board Members, please visit:
Chiropractic Practice Act
Please note that these statutes are provided in this format for your convenience only. You may always find the most current version of the Colorado Revised Statutes online via the Colorado Statute Manager.
Chiropractic Rules and Regulations
This unofficial online version of regulations is the most current version available. For the official publication of all State of Colorado chiropractic regulations (3 CCR 707-1), please consult the Code of Colorado Regulations on the Secretary of State’s website.