Denver, CO – June 30, 2020
Today, we learned that our Sunset bill HB20-1210 aka our Practice Act Bill was signed by Governor Polis on June 29, 2020!!!
A HUGE thank you to all those involved – our CCA Board of Directors, Current President – Doug Jones, Past Presidents Dr. James Wiley and Dr. Greg Haitz who were involved in the beginning process of Sunset; our entire Sunset Taskforce – chaired by Dr. Aaron Koepp, our attorneys, all of the doctors who took our Sunset survey in early 2019, our bill sponsors: Senator Rhonda Fields, Representative Monica Duran and Representative Yadira Caraveo and of course Mike Beasley, Mary Alice Mandarich and Dylan Peper – your CCA Lobbyists.
So what exactly is in the bill??
- Continuing the board for 9 years, until 2029 ( sections 1 and 2 of the bill);
- Repealing the requirement that members of the board be citizens of the United States ( section 1 );
- Repealing the requirement that an applicant for licensure pass the examination given by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and authorizing the board to determine the appropriate examination ( section 4 );
- Changing the continuing education requirements for a licensed chiropractor (licensee) from 15 hours annually to 30 hours every 2 years ( section 5 );
- Clarifying the grounds for discipline of a licensee concerning the use or abuse of controlled substances or alcohol and modifying the definition of “unethical advertising” ( section 6 );
- Requiring a licensee to notify the board of any physical or mental conditions that limit the ability to safely deliver chiropractic services and allowing the board to enter into agreements with the licensee that specify the limitations on the licensee’s practice ( sections 3, 6, and 7 );
- Clarifying that a license is not prohibited or required for a chiropractic student or intern to perform chiropractic services in this state while under the supervision of a licensee ( section 8 ); and
- Allowing chiropractic students at board-approved schools to perform supervised chiropractic services with the signed, written consent of the patient ( section 9 ).
(Note: This summary applies to the reengrossed version of this bill as introduced in the second house.)
What’s next?
The Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners will start the Rulemaking process within the next year in order to bring the Chiropractic Rules and Regulations up to par with the latest changes and new laws that are now in place following the passage of this bill. Stay tuned! The CCA will continue to remain active throughout the upcoming Rulemaking hearing!
Thank you again to all who were involved!!
Have a fabulous 4th of July weekend!
Link to HB20-1210 overview: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb20-1210
Direct link to signed bill: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/2020a_1210_signed.pdf
Check out this video to learn more about the bill!