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Promoting Pro-Chiropractic Policies
The Colorado Chiropractic Association (CCA) has been the voice of chiropractors in the state since 1917. We are committed to our values of:
Dignity, Respect & Integrity
A Passion for the Profession
Being Accessible & Engaging
Being Courageous
Providing Influential Leadership
We strive to support the profession in ways that follow to our vision – chiropractors leading all people of Colorado to optimal health. In addition to providing informative and beneficial continuing education classes, we provide valuable advocacy and resources for our members. When you join the CCA, you become a part of a dynamic organization that focuses on pro-chiropractic and business policy and regulations and gain access to a wide range of valuable services, member discounts, and more!
Updates to the IDC-10 Codes
Submitted by Mario P. Fucinari D.C., CPCO. CPPM. CIC Every year there are updates to the ICD-10 codes. These codes take effect 10/1/2021. This year's coding updates that will affect chiropractic...
Proposed Changes to the CCA’s Bylaws and Notice of Annual Meeting
The Board of Directors has approved changes to our current bylaws. Our bylaws require that any changes approved by the board are voted on by the members who have voting rights, based on their...
President Biden Announces New Nationwide COVID-19 Action Plan
President Biden held a press conference last week outlining new COVID-19 vaccination mandates nationwide. This article provides our members with information concerning the announcement and...
Denver Vaccine Mandate – CCA Letter to Mayor Hancock
The CCA sent a letter to Mayor Hancock regarding the Association's opposition to the vaccine mandate. Read the letter >>>
Vaccine Mandate Update
I write to you, chiropractors of Colorado, today, as President of the Colorado Chiropractic Association (CCA,) in a time where our ability to practice has been challenged. We carry optimism that we...