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Political Action Committee
Promoting Pro-Chiropractic Policies
The Colorado Chiropractic Association (CCA) has been the voice of chiropractors in the state since 1917. We are committed to our values of:
Dignity, Respect & Integrity
A Passion for the Profession
Being Accessible & Engaging
Being Courageous
Providing Influential Leadership
We strive to support the profession in ways that follow to our vision – chiropractors leading all people of Colorado to optimal health. In addition to providing informative and beneficial continuing education classes, we provide valuable advocacy and resources for our members. When you join the CCA, you become a part of a dynamic organization that focuses on pro-chiropractic and business policy and regulations and gain access to a wide range of valuable services, member discounts, and more!

Notice of Annual Meeting
Members are eligible to submit agenda items for our annual membership meeting, which will be held Friday, October 21, 2022 at 11 am at the Hyatt Regency, 13200 East 14th Place Aurora, Colorado...
State-Wide Mask Mandate from CDPHE Does Not Apply to Chiropractic Offices
We have received questions from practices around the state inquiring about the state-wide mask mandate from CDPHE for healthcare facilities. Last fall, we sent out information from our attorney...
Good Faith Estimates
The No Surprises Act was passed at the end of 2020 as a part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. Initially most experts believed that the No Surprises Act applied only to facility-based...
2022 Medicare Fee Schedule
The 2022 Medicare Fee Schedule has been updated. Members can find this information on our website, in our Member's Only section at https://coloradochiropractic.org/medicare-only-members-resources/....
Updates to the IDC-10 Codes
Submitted by Mario P. Fucinari D.C., CPCO. CPPM. CIC Every year there are updates to the ICD-10 codes. These codes take effect 10/1/2021. This year's coding updates that will affect chiropractic...
Club CCA Diamond Partners


Club CCA Platinum Partners