News and Press


Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors Extended!!

Editors Note: This article is being constantly updated as new information is made available. Please continue checking this article for updates.

In the last month, our nation and the entire world are coming to terms with the unprecedented health and business impact of Coronavirus. At the CCA, we have never been more acutely aware that many chiropractors operate as solo practitioners or small businesses who may feel more isolated than large group practitioners.

In addition to providing information updates, the CCA believes it is just as important that we serve as a bridge to remind members that our chiropractic community is strong and that we are here to help in any way we can. The CCA continues to work to stay abreast of developments and to share them with our members.

We have started a new page as we move into the phase “Safer-at-Home” here in Colorado. You can find the old articles by clicking here.

The following section is a listing of the many topics covered in this article. Each listing is a link that will take you to that section when clicked. Find the section that pertains to the information you need and click the link to jump to your information directly.

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2017 Legislative Session

2017 Direct links to bills we are watching (subject to change as we move through session; not all inclusive):  HB17-1057 - Interstate Physical Therapy Licensure Compact - Passed HB17-1094  - Telehealth Coverage Under Health Benefit Plans - Passed...

2013 Victory for Colorado Healthcare

After countless letters, meetings, and emails from the CCA theColorado Department of Insurance (DOI) has AGREED that excluding chiropractic services fromplans offered on the new Colorado Health Exchange is discriminatory according to federal law. TheDOI will be...

Member’s Only Medicare Resources

 Forms   The forms listed on this page are taken from the Medicare website forms section and are the forms that a chiropractor will need access to.   Enrollment Forms   CMS-10114  This form is used to apply for a National Provider Identifier (NPI)   CMS-855i  This...

Workers Compensation Resource

Worker's Comp Check out the various information on the Worker's Compensation fees, forms and MORE to attain your Level 1 Accreditation and other guidance!  2020 Workers Compensation Guide  2019 Workers Compensation FEES ONLY 2019 Workers Compensation Guide 2018...

Forms and Templates:

2024 Corporate Transparency Act 2024 Workers Comp Guide and Fee Schedule ABN Informational Booklet Authorization to Release-Customizable Business_Associate Contract-Sample Concussion White Paper Consensus Statement-Zurich Consent form for Chiropractic CROFT Whiplash...