Jan 7, 2021 | Business and Practice Considerations, CCA News
Dr. Ray Foxworth: Resource ChiroHealthUSA 11.13.2020 The recent pandemic has brought many changes in healthcare, some good and some bad. One of the benefits we received was the suspension of Medicare-Fee-For-Service audits. Effective August 3, 2020, that changed....
Nov 17, 2020 | COVID, Public Health Orders, Recently Updated
[Updated 11.17.2020] Recently, we learned that current language in Public Health Order 20-36 included that IF a county were to go into “Level Red – Stay at Home” – “limited healthcare settings” including chiropractic...
Oct 28, 2020 | COVID, Financial and Business Aid, Recently Updated
As the CCA reported earlier in 2020, HHS previously made grants available to chiropractors (and many other providers, hospitals, and systems) to the tune of $50 billion, in what was called a General Distribution. These distributions, which were covered extensively in...
Sep 30, 2020 | COVID, Public Health Orders
On September 20, 2020, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment issued Public Health Order 20-35. This order essentially updates Public Health Order 20-28. Updated 10.28.2020 – We are currently on the 4th amended PHO 20-35. Overall, Appendix G...