The Military Project
The Military Project
The CCA proudly supports The Military Project
The CCA has joined the fight along with One Chiropractic, the Michigan Association of Chiropractors, the North Carolia Chiropractic Association, the Nebraska Chiropractic Physician Association, Florida Chiropractic Association and ChiroHealth USA to support the efforts of The Military Project.
What is The Military Project? Read on from Executive Director Bharon Hoag of One Chiropractic to learn more!
We are taking on the project of getting all branches of the military to allow chiropractors to join as commissioned officers just like PT’s, MD/DO, Dentists and so on. We have done 8 months of research to find out what the best path would be to accomplish this singular goal. We reached out to top leadership in DC including Rep Jim Jordan and asked what firms we should be talking to for a project like this. We have vetted those firms to see which one can help get us the meetings and influence we need to push this through. We have selected A10, a firm that specializes in Military and Healthcare policy. We spent two months explaining to them what our mission was and explaining the current climate. They did their own research and supplied us with the attached proposal. I was very surprised by the timeline and the cost, which is what drove me to move on this right now.
We believe that in the next six months we will be able to fix this oversite and allow chiropractors to join the military to provide chiropractic services. This will allow their student loans to be paid back as is the case with other healthcare providers. We would be able to provide chiropractic on forward operating bases which in turn will help dramatically reduce the drug dependency currently inflicting the military. There are many more positives to this project.
We are wanting to partner with organizations in the profession we believe are ready to do things differently. Organizations that are forward thinking and want to see progress made. We want to do things differently than how our profession has done it in the past. We want to work as a team. It will truly be a team effort where everyone has the same investment and involvement.
To learn more about this project, watch this video below!!!
05.25.2020 message from Executive Director Bharon Hoag with One Chiropractic
August 8, 2020 Update from Executive Director Bharon Hoag of One Chiropractic
11.30.2020 Update from Executive Director Bharon Hoag of One Chiropractic:
I did have a call with the lobbying team this morning and I think we have good news, but I have learned to temper my expectations with this stuff. I was told this morning that it appears the Trump administration is beginning to accept the results of the election and starting to take seriously the Executive Orders (EO) and Presidential appointments that they need to do before he leaves office. With that said our EO is at the top of the list. Our team held a call with VP Pence on Saturday and he is aware of our project and personally said he is going to make sure President Trump handles this before they leave.
So, if the above proves to be true we should have our EO before Christmas. I still do not know how it will all go down and if it will be an in person type thing or not but I will let you all know when I know.
On another front we do have two letters, one from the each branch of the legislature that are sharing support of this project. The letters are going to the DoD and the White House to show support of the requested EO. This helps because the DoD now understands that is not just a Presidential request but from congress as well.
I know we have all been waiting for a while on this and trust me I am as eager as anyone to get it in hand but it looks like it is still going to happen.
Our team has also begun to reach out to key member of the Biden administration to make sure they are aware of the intent of this project. The goal is to make sure they leave it alone once they take office. Currently the feedback we are getting is this would not be anything they would look in to reversing. They seem to understand and agree with it as well.
Obviously there are a lot of moving parts and anything could change at any moment but right now we are still in the game.