CCA Annual Business Meeting

Per our bylaws, we host a members-only Annual Business Meeting (ABM) each year. The purpose of this meeting is to give an overview of what the organization has been working on the past year, elect certain positions to the Board of Directors, and vote on bylaw changes (if any).


I.             Welcome & Introductions

II.            Invocation

III.          Approve 2023 Annual Business Meeting Minutes (view meeting minutes here)

IV.          Remarks from CCA Board President

V.            Legislative Update

VI.           Financial Update

VII.         Board Election – District Director Results (Districts 1, 3, 4 & 7)

VIII.       Board Elections

a. Vice President

b. Treasurer

C. Director-at-Large

VIIII.      Proposed Bylaw Changes

X.            Recognition of Committee and Board Volunteers

XI.           Induction of 2024/2025 President


Board of Director Candidates

In 2024 the following positions will be voted on at the Annual Business Meeting. 

  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Director – at- Large

See the candidates here

Proposed Bylaw Changes

As part of our commitment to ensuring our bylaws remain current and reflective of our mission, values, and the evolving needs of our organization, we recently undertook a comprehensive review of our bylaws with an attorney. The goal was to ensure that the bylaws align with our strategic objectives and provide a clear and effective governance framework.

Many of the changes in this draft are simply formatting and moving content to different sections so the bylaws are congruent and easier to read. Several changes have been recommended to improve clarity, governance, and member engagement. We believe that these amendments will strengthen our organization and better serve our members.

These amendments will be voted on by the membership at our Annual Business Meeting (ABM) on October 19, 2024.

Annual Business Meeting
Saturday, October 19, 2024
12:30 – 2:00 PM
Sheraton DTC
7007 South Clinton Street
Greenwood Village, CO 80112

If you’re attending our Annual Convention, you will have an opportunity to RSVP for the meeting when you register for the convention. If you’re not attending the convention, RSVP for the meeting using the button below.

Per our bylaws, members must submit agenda items for the Annual Business Meeting no later than 30 days prior to the meeting. The deadline is September 19, 2024. Please email any items to Andrea LaRew,

We would love to address any questions you may have prior to the Annual Business Meeting. Please email any questions to Andrea LaRew, no later than October 10, 2024 .

Voting Members per Bylaws

Active Member:  Active Members are Chiropractors who hold a valid license to practice chiropractic in the state of Colorado, have current malpractice insurance and are of high moral character and in good standing in his or her community.

Active Members have the right to vote, may be eligible for office, may chair and serve on Committees of the CCA and may attend meetings of the CCA.  Active Members are required to pay the appropriate dues and/or fees on a timely basis, as determined by the policies of the Board of Directors.

Voting Rights.  Active Members in good standing that have been members for a minimum of three months shall be entitled to vote for each matter submitted to the membership for voting.  Associate members shall not be eligible to vote or serve as an officer or director.  

Bylaw Changes Submitted by Members per Bylaws

Amendments, changes, or additions to the Bylaws proposed by Members of the Association shall be sent in written format, by written or electronic means, to the Board of Directors no less than 60 days prior to the vote. The Board of Directors may vote on the proposals according to this Article, may decline to vote on the proposals, or may assign the proposals to a Bylaw Committee for review and recommendation thereon.

Agenda Items Submitted for Annual Meeting per Bylaws

Items to be placed on the agenda must be received by the Executive Director of the association no later than 30-days prior to the meeting.  Items that are received less than 30-days prior will automatically be sent to the Board of Directors or the appropriate committee.