Information Blocking and the Patient’s Records

“Chiropractors will have a once in a lifetime opportunity that brings them into a greater role in a patient’s healthcare lifecycle. Technology will connect patient records from all licensed providers and organizations and will analyze, organize, and be distributed...

Advancements in A.I. are Combating Healthcare Fraud

My good friend, Dr. Jay Greenstein, has, in my opinion, been at the forefront of changes within healthcare technology. For years, he has been discussing emerging technologies and their impact on the profession. In the last year, he started a private Facebook group to...

The Cures Act: Sharing Records – It’s a Two-Way Street

“Hiding within those mounds of data is knowledge that could change the life of a patient, or change the world.” – Atul Butte, Stanford Medicine (July 2012).  The age of big data is already here, and the chiropractic profession will see powerful research...


Increased Patient Access to Health Records – the Cures Act The 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act), signed into law in 2016, was designed to help bring health care innovations to patients to provide more patient control in a value-based health system.[i] ...

CCA currently hiring new Executive Director

You may have heard Dr. Rachel Wendt, current CCA Executive Director is transitioning out of her position by the middle of May 2021. You can read that full post here. We are currently in the process of hiring a new Executive Director for the CCA. The President, Dr....