Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners Seeking Board Members

Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners Seeking Board MembersJanuary 26, 2021Greetings from the Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners,We are currently seeking two professional members to fill chiropractic vacancies on the Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners...

New 2021 Medicare Fee Schedule Now Available for Chiropractors

We’ve been checking and checking and the 2021 fee schedule is finally posted for Medicare rates. Please see below. These fees were updated on 1.11.2021 after Novitas updated their fees schedule. The passing of the latest COVID-19 package by Congress impacted the...

2021 E/M Guidelines Take Effect

by Mario Fucinari DC, CIC, CPCO, CPPM Since the initial evaluation and management (E/M) guidelines were released in 1995 and again in 1997, there has been controversy.  The American Medical Association and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have...


Submitted by: MARIO FUCINARI DC, CCSP, APMP, MCS-P, CPCO Recent legislation signed by President Trump significantly dampened the 2021 Medicare Part B premium increase that would have occurred, given the estimated growth in Medicare spending next year. The standard...