Colorado Chiropractic Association

Our mission is to protect and promote the practice, philosophy and economic growth of all Colorado chiropractors.

License Renewal

CE Requirements

Annual Convention

October 29-31

Open to the Public

Sat. Oct. 30, 6:00 pm


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The Colorado Chiropractic Association (CCA) has been the voice of chiropractors in the state since 1917. We are committed to our values of:


Dignity, Respect & Integrity

A Passion for the Profession

Being Accessible & Engaging

Being Courageous

Providing Influential Leadership


We strive to support the profession in ways that follow to our vision – chiropractors leading all people of Colorado to optimal health. In addition to providing informative and beneficial continuing education classes, we provide valuable advocacy and resources for our members.  When you join the CCA, you become a part of a dynamic organization that focuses on pro-chiropractic and business policy and regulations and gain access to a wide range of valuable services, member discounts, and more!


Permanent Rule Changes

The Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners conducted its annual rule review throughout 2023.  The final rulemaking hearing was held on October 12, 2023. You can view a copy of the permanent rules...

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Notice of Annual Business Meeting

The Annual Business Meeting for the Colorado Chiropractic Association will be held Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 10 am at the Hyatt Regency Denver-Aurora Conference Center as part of the annual...

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Survey about chiropractic and the VA

We have heard a number of concerns from providers regarding a lack of continuity of care due to the referral process, delayed reimbursements, and roadblocks in obtaining information from TriWest....

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Update Medicare ABN by June 30, 2023

The current Medicare ABN is expiring on 6/30/23 and is being replaced with the updated version. Click here to learn more and download the new forms. Still have questions? Members can use our...

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Virtual Helpdesk – NEW member benefit!

CERTIFIED VIRTUAL HELPDESK As an added value to your membership, the CCA has created our Certified Virtual Helpdesk Assistant. We have partnered with Brandy Brimhall, CPC, CPCO, CCCPC, CMCO, CPMA,...

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