COVID-19 Update for Chiropractors in Colorado
Table of Contents
The following section is a listing of the many topics covered in this article. Each listing is a link that will take you to that section when clicked. Find the section that pertains to the information you need and click the link to jump to your information directly.
Recently Updated
Board of Health Meeting 8.30.21
The Board of Health passed an emergency rule yesterday, requiring COVID vaccines for healthcare facilities under their control. This DOES NOT affect chiropractors unless you are a chiropractor who practices in one of those facilities as an employee, contractor, or support staff. The CDPHE was very...
State Board of Health Meeting Today – What We Know
We have been fielding calls and emails this morning about meeting the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is holding today at 4 pm. It is our understanding intent of the meeting today is to discuss the facilities under the authority of the CDPHE. We sent this in an update...
City and County of Denver – Mandated Vaccines – A Message From CCA President, Dr. Craig Pearson
The City and County of Denver announced a new public health order on Monday August 2nd that requires personnel in healthcare facilities to be fully vaccinated by September 30, 2021. If your office is within this jurisdiction it is included. The Colorado Chiropractic Association’s position on...
Governor Polis Ends Health Emergency Order
On July 8, Governor Polis ended the Health Emergency Executive Orders for COVID-19 and rescinded all previous Executive Orders issued due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and signed a Recovery Executive Order to focusing only on those measures related to the State’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic...
May 17, 2021 COVID-19 Update for Chiropractors in Colorado –
A mask-wearing requirement for Colorado first went into effect in July 2020 and recently was amended in Executive Order D 2021 103 on May 14, 2021. The amended Executive Order states that fully vaccinated people can go without masks in public indoor spaces unless the setting requires...
Counties continue to move to Level Blue and Yellow – 8th Amended Public Health Order 20-36 – Appendix G
Many counties are moving to Level Yellow and Blue - what does that mean for chiropractors?? As always, we encourage every chiropractor to review the most recent Public Health Order 20-36 (8th edition). This PHO expires 30 days from March 7, 2021, unless extended. Chiropractors still must also...
Gov Polis asks CDPHE to move to Level Orange on January 4, 2021
On December 30, 2020, Governor Polis asked the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to move counties that are currently in level red to level orange. This comes in light of a sustained decline for 13 days and decreased ICU beds in use. His original post states: CDPHE has...
COVID-19 Vaccination Frequently Asked Questions for Chiropractors
We've been receiving many questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccinations. Here are some of the most common questions. To find the most up-to-date information the vaccination, please visit the state's website here. The vaccine is not required at this time. Should a Chiropractor choose to get...
Update to Colorado State Dial – Level Purple – Limited Healthcare Settings Language effective December 8, 2020
[Updated 12.08.2020] - For the last 3-weeks – the CCA has been fighting to change the language that was listed in the 2nd amended Public Health Order 20-36. Today we are happy to report that because of the CCA's efforts, the language requiring a “medical, dental or veterinarian” referral has been...
Update to COVID-19 Extensions to X-Ray Certification Evaluations for Colorado
Please see announcement from the Colorado X-Ray Certification Unit below per 11.4.2020 e-mail: Radiation machines and facilities that were due for a certification evaluation, as per Section 2.5 of the Regulations, during the months of March, April, May and June of 2020 were granted a 6-month...
Colorado New State Dial Effective November 20, 2020
[Updated 11.17.2020] Recently, we learned that current language in Public Health Order 20-36 included that IF a county were to go into "Level Red - Stay at Home" - "limited healthcare settings" including chiropractic offices were to shut down. This is specific to Public Health Order...
HHS announced a NEW distribution of the Provider Relief Fund – Phase 3
As the CCA reported earlier in 2020, HHS previously made grants available to chiropractors (and many other providers, hospitals, and systems) to the tune of $50 billion, in what was called a General Distribution. These distributions, which were covered extensively in our COVID-19 article, amounted...
The Colorado Chiropractic Association takes several calls a day from doctors about COVID-19 exposures in their office. The typical situation is that a patient comes in, is screened (negative) and is asymptomatic, then later tests positive. In order to give timely information to doctors who may...
Governor Polis Orders
Governor Polis Ends Health Emergency Order
On July 8, Governor Polis ended the Health Emergency Executive Orders for COVID-19 and rescinded all previous Executive Orders issued due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and signed a Recovery Executive Order to focusing only on those measures related to the State’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic...
Mask Requirements – Fourth Amended Public Health Order 7.1.21
The Fourth Amended Public Health Order 20-38 was released yesterday. This new order does not change the requirement for masks for those that are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated in healthcare settings.Unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated personnel, patients and visitors...
Protect Our Neighbors Phase and Safer at Home Phase
[Update 08.05.2020]On June 1, 2020, Governor Polis signed Executive Order D2020 091, Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors – essentially extending the previous Executive Orders 044 & 079, “Safer at Home”. This order has since been extended by Executive Order D2020 123 until 30 days...
Updated 10.28.2020 – Statewide Mask Mandate
DENVER, CO - Updated 10/28/2020 Update to statewide mask mandate - Governor Jarod Polis signed Executive Order D 2020 219 - which amends and extends previous executive orders regarding the statewide mask mandate 30 days from October 11, 2020 - unless further extended. Certain counties have issued...
Public Health Orders
Denver Vaccine Mandate – CCA Letter to Mayor Hancock
The CCA sent a letter to Mayor Hancock regarding the Association's opposition to the vaccine mandate. Read the letter >>>
Board of Health Meeting 8.30.21
The Board of Health passed an emergency rule yesterday, requiring COVID vaccines for healthcare facilities under their control. This DOES NOT affect chiropractors unless you are a chiropractor who practices in one of those facilities as an employee, contractor, or support staff. The CDPHE was very...
State Board of Health Meeting Today – What We Know
We have been fielding calls and emails this morning about meeting the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is holding today at 4 pm. It is our understanding intent of the meeting today is to discuss the facilities under the authority of the CDPHE. We sent this in an update...
Denver Vaccine Mandate Update – August 26,2021
View the video version at To Colorado Chiropractors, We, at the Colorado Chiropractic Association, have had an intense few weeks since the announcement of vaccine mandates for all healthcare workers, both doctors and staff, in the City of Denver and Denver...
Vaccine Mandate Update
I write to you, chiropractors of Colorado, today, as President of the Colorado Chiropractic Association (CCA,) in a time where our ability to practice has been challenged. We carry optimism that we will overcome. The CCA has been supporting Chiropractors for more than 100 years, advocating for the...
City and County of Denver – Mandated Vaccines – A Message From CCA President, Dr. Craig Pearson
The City and County of Denver announced a new public health order on Monday August 2nd that requires personnel in healthcare facilities to be fully vaccinated by September 30, 2021. If your office is within this jurisdiction it is included. The Colorado Chiropractic Association’s position on...
Governor Polis Ends Health Emergency Order
On July 8, Governor Polis ended the Health Emergency Executive Orders for COVID-19 and rescinded all previous Executive Orders issued due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and signed a Recovery Executive Order to focusing only on those measures related to the State’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic...
Mask Requirements – Fourth Amended Public Health Order 7.1.21
The Fourth Amended Public Health Order 20-38 was released yesterday. This new order does not change the requirement for masks for those that are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated in healthcare settings.Unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated personnel, patients and visitors...
Third Amended Public Health Order 20-38, May 31, 2021
We have been fielding call and emails regarding the Public Health Order that came out yesterday. There is a section in this order that changed/clarified the mask order for healthcare settings as it relates to patients and visitors. That section of the new Public Heath Order...
May 17, 2021 COVID-19 Update for Chiropractors in Colorado –
A mask-wearing requirement for Colorado first went into effect in July 2020 and recently was amended in Executive Order D 2021 103 on May 14, 2021. The amended Executive Order states that fully vaccinated people can go without masks in public indoor spaces unless the setting requires...
Personal Protective Equipment
Third Amended Public Health Order 20-38, May 31, 2021
We have been fielding call and emails regarding the Public Health Order that came out yesterday. There is a section in this order that changed/clarified the mask order for healthcare settings as it relates to patients and visitors. That section of the new Public Heath Order...
List of vendors on where to get PPE
Disclaimer: The Colorado Chiropractic Association has ZERO affiliation with these suppliers below and have ZERO control over pricing and availability. We are simply trying to find suppliers so you can order the supplies you need for your office. Some suppliers have limited in-house stock which is...
Financial and Business Aid
HHS announced a NEW distribution of the Provider Relief Fund – Phase 3
As the CCA reported earlier in 2020, HHS previously made grants available to chiropractors (and many other providers, hospitals, and systems) to the tune of $50 billion, in what was called a General Distribution. These distributions, which were covered extensively in our COVID-19 article, amounted...
[Updated 7/10/2020] Two important new items of note: Congress and the President extended the deadline for PPP loans to August 9, 2020. This means that if you have not previously been approved/received a PPP forgivable loan, you can still apply. We are strongly urging our doctors to take advantage...
Business and Practice Considerations
Vaccine Mandate Update
I write to you, chiropractors of Colorado, today, as President of the Colorado Chiropractic Association (CCA,) in a time where our ability to practice has been challenged. We carry optimism that we will overcome. The CCA has been supporting Chiropractors for more than 100 years, advocating for the...
Governor Polis Ends Health Emergency Order
On July 8, Governor Polis ended the Health Emergency Executive Orders for COVID-19 and rescinded all previous Executive Orders issued due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and signed a Recovery Executive Order to focusing only on those measures related to the State’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic...
CMS Resumes Audits During COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Ray Foxworth: Resource ChiroHealthUSA 11.13.2020 The recent pandemic has brought many changes in healthcare, some good and some bad. One of the benefits we received was the suspension of Medicare-Fee-For-Service audits. Effective August 3, 2020, that changed. During this break from active...
Update to COVID-19 Extensions to X-Ray Certification Evaluations for Colorado
Please see announcement from the Colorado X-Ray Certification Unit below per 11.4.2020 e-mail: Radiation machines and facilities that were due for a certification evaluation, as per Section 2.5 of the Regulations, during the months of March, April, May and June of 2020 were granted a 6-month...
Original article here from NCMIC While social media is blowing up with so called “facts” about the Coronavirus, something that every clinician needs to remember is that following HIPAA guidelines is paramount. As an example, when an Ohio case was announced yesterday, I received a call...
In the middle of times like this, we tend to let some things move to the back burner, but chiropractors may want to take a moment and review the expiration dates (or renewal dates) of your certifications and diplomates. Here is some examples: CPR Certification – In Colorado, we are required...
CDC Symptoms for COVID-19
Watch for symptoms [updated 7.16.2020] People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days...
Yet another provision of the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” (CARES Act) will directly impact doctors who billed Medicare in 2019. Although initial indications were this provision would focus on hospitals, the federal government has allocated $30 billion in “relief funds” that...
The Colorado Chiropractic Association takes several calls a day from doctors about COVID-19 exposures in their office. The typical situation is that a patient comes in, is screened (negative) and is asymptomatic, then later tests positive. In order to give timely information to doctors who may...
Scam Warnings
Unfortunately, scammers are taking advantage of fear and anxiety to defraud the public, including health care practitioners, during the Coronavirus pandemic. These schemes may come in the form of phishing phone calls seeking personal and financial information, or as online sales of bogus testing...
Resources and Webinars
Description Link Governor Polis Press Releases list of all press releases Governor Polis Executive Orders list of all executive orders CDPHE Public Health Orders (& Executive Orders) List of all public...