News and Press
FeaturedSafer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors Extended!!
Editors Note: This article is being constantly updated as new information is made available. Please continue checking this article for updates.
In the last month, our nation and the entire world are coming to terms with the unprecedented health and business impact of Coronavirus. At the CCA, we have never been more acutely aware that many chiropractors operate as solo practitioners or small businesses who may feel more isolated than large group practitioners.
In addition to providing information updates, the CCA believes it is just as important that we serve as a bridge to remind members that our chiropractic community is strong and that we are here to help in any way we can. The CCA continues to work to stay abreast of developments and to share them with our members.
We have started a new page as we move into the phase “Safer-at-Home” here in Colorado. You can find the old articles by clicking here.
The following section is a listing of the many topics covered in this article. Each listing is a link that will take you to that section when clicked. Find the section that pertains to the information you need and click the link to jump to your information directly.
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Denver Vaccine Mandate Update – August 26,2021
View the video version at To Colorado Chiropractors, We, at the Colorado Chiropractic Association, have had an intense few weeks since the announcement of vaccine mandates for all healthcare workers, both doctors and staff, in the...
Vaccine Mandate Update
I write to you, chiropractors of Colorado, today, as President of the Colorado Chiropractic Association (CCA,) in a time where our ability to practice has been challenged. We carry optimism that we will overcome. The CCA has been supporting Chiropractors for more than...
City and County of Denver – Mandated Vaccines – A Message From CCA President, Dr. Craig Pearson
The City and County of Denver announced a new public health order on Monday August 2nd that requires personnel in healthcare facilities to be fully vaccinated by September 30, 2021. If your office is within this jurisdiction it is included. The Colorado...
Governor Polis Ends Health Emergency Order
On July 8, Governor Polis ended the Health Emergency Executive Orders for COVID-19 and rescinded all previous Executive Orders issued due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and signed a Recovery Executive Order to focusing only on those measures related to the State’s...
Mask Requirements – Fourth Amended Public Health Order 7.1.21
The Fourth Amended Public Health Order 20-38 was released yesterday. This new order does not change the requirement for masks for those that are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated in healthcare settings.Unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated...
Colorado Chiropractic Association’s Position on Healthcare Decisions, Including Vaccines
The Colorado Chiropractic Association supports Colorado healthcare consumers in their right to choose and make informed decisions regarding patient care for both the individual and their family and children. No healthcare procedure, of any sort, is without potential...
Third Amended Public Health Order 20-38, May 31, 2021
We have been fielding call and emails regarding the Public Health Order that came out yesterday. There is a section in this order that changed/clarified the mask order for healthcare settings as it relates to patients and visitors. That section of...
Meet The CCA’s New Executive Director
After an extensive search for our new Executive Director, the Board of Directors is pleased to introduce Andrea LaRew. Andrea has more than 25 years of experience in non-profit, membership organizations. She spent a total of 17 years with the YMCA in Denver, Nebraska...
May 17, 2021 COVID-19 Update for Chiropractors in Colorado –
A mask-wearing requirement for Colorado first went into effect in July 2020 and recently was amended in Executive Order D 2021 103 on May 14, 2021. The amended Executive Order states that fully vaccinated people can go without masks in public indoor spaces...
Avoiding Information Blocking: A How-To Guide to Sharing Health Information Properly
Quick Read Summary You may have read articles and releases from other sources on the Cures Act. Here are three things to consider: Do not take the requirements under this act lightly, regardless of information you may have heard to the contrary. There are specific...