News and Press
FeaturedSafer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors Extended!!
Editors Note: This article is being constantly updated as new information is made available. Please continue checking this article for updates.
In the last month, our nation and the entire world are coming to terms with the unprecedented health and business impact of Coronavirus. At the CCA, we have never been more acutely aware that many chiropractors operate as solo practitioners or small businesses who may feel more isolated than large group practitioners.
In addition to providing information updates, the CCA believes it is just as important that we serve as a bridge to remind members that our chiropractic community is strong and that we are here to help in any way we can. The CCA continues to work to stay abreast of developments and to share them with our members.
We have started a new page as we move into the phase “Safer-at-Home” here in Colorado. You can find the old articles by clicking here.
The following section is a listing of the many topics covered in this article. Each listing is a link that will take you to that section when clicked. Find the section that pertains to the information you need and click the link to jump to your information directly.
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Gov Polis asks CDPHE to move to Level Orange on January 4, 2021
On December 30, 2020, Governor Polis asked the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to move counties that are currently in level red to level orange. This comes in light of a sustained decline for 13 days and decreased ICU beds in use. His...
COVID-19 Vaccination Frequently Asked Questions for Chiropractors
We've been receiving many questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccinations. Here are some of the most common questions. To find the most up-to-date information the vaccination, please visit the state's website here. The vaccine is not required at this time. Should a...
New 2021 Medicare Fee Schedule Now Available for Chiropractors
We've been checking and checking and the 2021 fee schedule is finally posted for Medicare rates. Please see below. These fees were updated on 1.11.2021 after Novitas updated their fees schedule. The passing of the latest COVID-19 package by Congress impacted the newer...
2021 E/M Guidelines Take Effect
by Mario Fucinari DC, CIC, CPCO, CPPM Since the initial evaluation and management (E/M) guidelines were released in 1995 and again in 1997, there has been controversy. The American Medical Association and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have...
Submitted by: MARIO FUCINARI DC, CCSP, APMP, MCS-P, CPCO Recent legislation signed by President Trump significantly dampened the 2021 Medicare Part B premium increase that would have occurred, given the estimated growth in Medicare spending next year. The standard...
Preceptors and Students ability to adjust in Colorado after passing Chiropractic Sunset in 2020
We have recently been received many questions regarding students and if they can adjust in Colorado. The short answer is yes! Here is the longer answer. During the Chiropractic Sunset process, the CCA surveyed the profession in Colorado and the results were...
Update to Colorado State Dial – Level Purple – Limited Healthcare Settings Language effective December 8, 2020
[Updated 12.08.2020] - For the last 3-weeks – the CCA has been fighting to change the language that was listed in the 2nd amended Public Health Order 20-36. Today we are happy to report that because of the CCA's efforts, the language requiring a “medical, dental or...
Update to COVID-19 Extensions to X-Ray Certification Evaluations for Colorado
Please see announcement from the Colorado X-Ray Certification Unit below per 11.4.2020 e-mail: Radiation machines and facilities that were due for a certification evaluation, as per Section 2.5 of the Regulations, during the months of March, April, May and June of...
We are often asked by chiropractors, “Where is the profession going?” and, “Where will we be in 10 years?” Although there have been discussions for years about the future of chiropractic, these discussions have either dissipated or remained unresolved. The Congress of...
Colorado New State Dial Effective November 20, 2020
[Updated 11.17.2020] Recently, we learned that current language in Public Health Order 20-36 included that IF a county were to go into "Level Red - Stay at Home" - "limited healthcare settings" including chiropractic offices were to shut down. This is...